Sunday, April 5, 2015

Help Us, Help Them!

A few months ago, I saw a post online by the founder of an organization called Friends Together ( In addition to offering regular HIV/AIDS related services, they do mission work in the Moshi region of Tanzania. I read about this opportunity to do fundraisers to collect much-needed school and medical supplies and personally deliver them to schools and orphanages in July. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. Besides struggling with AIDS/HIV, it has one of the highest proportion of orphans in the world. Approximately 1 out of 16 people in Tanzania is an orphaned child, having lost their parents to HIV/AIDS.

The chance to do something so meaningful stuck with me. My 14-year-old son, Owen will be joining me on this adventure. We are both working with our schools to create fundraisers for donated supplies as well as monetary donations for textbooks. 6th grade students at my school study Tanzania all year long as part of their social studies curriculum. How cool would it be to get the students involved in collecting supplies, then being able to see the faces of the kids they were helping!

In approximately 14 weeks, Owen and I will join Cathy Robinson Pickett and the wonderful group from Friends-Together and be on our way.  While that seems very far away, there is so much to do to get ready that it's a bit overwhelming! This week I want to secure our fundraiser at school.  Mrs. Creech came up with a fantastic idea with her social studies classes which can really make an impact. We just need to put it in motion.  The idea of working with the students at Squadron Line to bring much-needed textbooks, educational and recreational supplies to the kids in Tanzania is very exciting!  LET'S DO THIS!!

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