Saturday, June 13, 2015

School Fundraiser a success!

Our school fundraiser ran from June 1 - June 5.  With the wonderful support of 6th grade Social Studies teachers, Mrs. Lichota, and Mrs. Creech we were able to tie into the recent study of Tanzania and get the kids involved.  6th graders volunteered to visit  the k -5th-grade classrooms to present a slide show about Tanzania and their need for school supplies, recreational supplies, and textbooks.  This helped to get the younger grades informed and excited about the cause. I got a lot of feedback from teachers and paraprofessionals about how great students did presenting the information. It really made me proud!  Students also made posters to hang up all over the school, and a PTO volunteer created a flyer to be sent home to parents.

I have to admit, I was apprehensive about the can drive and how much we would get in terms of donations, and the logistics of multiple visits to the recycling centers.  (Owen and I went to redeem cans donated before the official fundraiser collected from staff members and Kanes on three Saturdays and our total stood at $36.)

June 1st was cold and rainy.  I stood  outside the school with Mrs. Lichota and a bunch of shivering 6th graders and we might have collected $5 in cans and bottles....  Luckily the next 4 days were MUCH better. We had so many  cans that Mrs. Lichota and Mrs. Creech went to the recycling center after school twice during the week!  I couldn't believe kids coming out of cars with garbage bags full of donations.  One woman came with a year and half worth of soda cans!  I also received envelopes with cash donations (one generous 6th grader donated $25 for a textbook) and baggies filled with change.  Whoo-hoo.  On the last day we filled up my car and Mrs. Lichota's truck with the rest of the empties....

Our total from recycling was $311!  
That's 6,220 cans and bottles!!!
We also received $50 in student donations
 and an additional $150 from staff members through our dress down day! 

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