Saturday, June 13, 2015

Shirts and shots and ... vivid dreams

It's hard to believe school is out (for Simsbury kids anyway!) and we will be in Tanzania in one short month.  Lots of fun updates:

We got our shirts.  I was a little too excited about this and wore one every time we had a dress down. What can I say? The thought of going to Africa makes me happy!

Owen and I also went to the travel doctor for our shots earlier this month  I got Hep A, Hep B and Typhoid and Owen just needed Typhoid.  The doctor was funny, he asked Owen if he wanted to give me my shots as payback for all of the shots I held him down for as a little kid! I'm not going to lie, the shots hurt.  But I didn't cry. I didn't get a lollypop either.

We also got our prescription for anti-malaria pills.  There were several options. One with few side effects was really expensive (and none are covered by instance), one is a weekly pill that has potential side effects for vivid dreams that some people don't like, and the cheapest one has a sun sensitivity side effect.  So it came down to vivid dreams or sun sensitivity... in Africa.  I'm pretty fair, and Owen is downright pale in comparison, so that made me nervous due to our proximity to the equator! What are vivid dreams anyway?  I like waking up remembering dreams, and Owen thought that wouldn't be so bad.  The doctor said some people don't experience the dreams, but his parents took it and hated it.  Since you have to start taking the pills 2 weeks before traveling we decided we would trial it and see if we had the dreams.  If it turns out that it's really vivid nightmares, then we will switch to the alternative that requires extra sunscreen!! Not like we shouldn't be slathering on the sunscreen anyway!

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