Friday, July 10, 2015


I am a terrible packer.  I always either over pack or under pack and often forget things. Packing for this trip is extra intimidating since we can't count on a CVS or extensive gift shop around the corner to pick up what we need.  To help organize and keep track of things I downloaded an iPad app to help me.  It's great because you can input items in different categories. 

You can see the items I put under Misc. Yes, it includes Ketchup and snacks, because I am worried about picky-eater Owen! His grandparents gave him bulk ketchup packets as part of his birthday present! 200 packets to be exact.  We also went to Target this week, specifically to purchase granola bars for him.  I wanted to throw a small jar of peanut butter in the bag, but Cathy advised against it.  Apparently the scent can draw the attention of drug sniffing dogs. Who knew!?

It's a tedious task, challenging my attention span, which is another reason why I am a horrible packer. While watching Stephen King's IT on the DVR, I went through my lists and filled the suitcase. No worries, Mom, even through bug spray is not on the Misc list, it is in the suitcase!  I may have finished sooner if I didn't have the distraction of two cats that seem to really want to come along...

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