Thursday, July 6, 2017

Back at Springlands 😀😄😊 (July 1 - 15)

First day. Need to teach Owen to smile for pics with his mom.  I pointed out that Garrett is really good at it!

It is wonderful to be back at Springlands! We have been greeted warmly by old friends including Juma and Elia. Unfortunately, they are in the kitchen this time instead of the restaurant.
To read descriptions about Springlands from our last visit click here: Sweet-Home-Sweet.
Most of the information is the same. However, our room is downstairs this time and the past few days we have been at breakfast by 8 am so we can get to TAFCOM earlier.

Owen and I slept til noon on Monday (after only sleeping 1-2 hours during the Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon flights)!  We joined the group for lunch and helped sort supplies.  Overall, we had 40 bags of supplies weighing 50-70 pounds each! And we still have two people coming...
The video link (that I'll post soon) shows the supplies which are stored in Cathy and Kelly's room.

Here is Owen lugging one of our bags up the stairs.

To see the video of the supplies click

Me, Ashley and Theresa waiting for our ride to TAFCOM. 

Got a slight smile this time 🙂

Owen and I face timed my parents Tuesday morning. It was pretty great- only a slight lag. We showed  them the garden area, dining room, and a few friends!  And we woke them up since it was only 8am.

Ashley was willing to snapchat a photo to Devin when Owen wasn't. Though that might be the last time once she sees I posted it!!!'



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