Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fun in Arusha (July 15)

Fun in Arusha! πŸͺπŸͺ 🐍

We had a great lunch at Smiley's then hit the Snake Park/Camel Rides/Maasai museum !

$2 CAMEL RIDES ROCK!!  It was really fun.  See the video clip of the beginning of our ride here: Going UP!   The back camel was very vocal until he stood up.  

After the camel rides, Ashley, Bonnie, Doris, Janet and I went to the Snake Park.  Everyone else went to the Maasai Exhibit.  The snake park was really fun.  A guide went around with us and told us about each of the reptiles.  At the end, he brought us to the kissing snake.  He puts it around your neck and you have a chance to hold it and give it a kiss.  It was a pretty small snake (and not dangerous- I assumed), so it didn't bother me much, but Ashley was REALLY scared!!  We also had a chance to hold a giant turtle, which freaked Doris out a big :)



                       Owen joined the others at the Maasai exhibit.

Back at the hotel we enjoyed wifi that really worked and watching HBO (with ads??) on the TV in our room.  Owen tried not to get lost in the mosquito netting around the beds before tossing it up above!

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