Saturday, July 22, 2017

TAFCOM School (July 3-13)

We made our first trip back to TAFCOM on Tuesday. It was great to see Nie and Jonas again and I was so excited that Liliany is still teaching in the lower classroom!  They have expanded with a new building for the offices and a sewing lab for he tailoring program. Nie and Jonas now reside in the former office building. We all met with Nie for a bit then went to the classrooms. There are still two classrooms- the upper class (kindergarten- 5-6 year olds) and the lower class (preschool- 3-5 year olds), however, now they have 1 teacher and 1 aide in the upper from and 1 teacher and 2 aides in the lower class. I was happy to see Lilian wasn't still by herself with 40 preschoolers!

We did a whole group math game and then joined the group for some songs before dismissal. 

When he kids left, Liliany and I discussed plans for the next day. We wanted to try splitting the kids into groups and playing games that reinforce communication, colors and counting skills (bingo, war, candy land and shutes and ladders). She also asked if we could do an activity tied to "mastery skills such as a coloring project. We decided to do an interactive lesson on colors and then have them draw rainbows on index cards.

On Wednesday we got up earlier and arrived at TAFCOM by 9. We started with the games. Liliany split the class into 6 groups. Owen, Ashley, Bonnie and I each took a group to play the games we brought. Liliany and they aides had groups playing war and bingo.  

My take away? Candy land being for ages 3+ is a bunch of baloney! They kept grabbing the pieces off the board and had trouble understanding the concept of moving the piece to a new location and leaving it there! We did the best we could for 20 minutes until the break. The groups playing bingo and war did much better - but I think they were also the older ones in the class. 

We went outside for the break and played with some frisbees and balls that we brought. And they climbed all over Owen! It was a lot of fun.  

After the break we returned into the classroom for porridge. The kids are quiet as the porridge is passed out, then they say a prayer before quietly drinking. 

The coloring lesson was fun. We did a whole group review of the colors, giving the kids an opportunity to get up and use the pointer to show something in the room that was the same color.  Then we passed out index cards and crayons. The kids drew a rainbow on one side and their face on the other side. It was really

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