Saturday, July 22, 2017

Tim Harrington School (July 14)

Tim Harrington School

This school is supported by Yesaya Wilfredy. We met Yesaya in 2015 through Tanzacare when we went out to the remote schools near Same, Tanzania.  Tim Harrington is  a school for the poor and disadvantaged children of Arusha! They work very closely with the government.  Due to the partnership we have they allowed Cathy to present at Tim Harrington and in two public schools, 1. Arusha Secondary School and 2. Arush Girls High School!

Bonnie, Janet, Owen and I went to the classrooms while Cathy, Kelly, Doug, Liz and Theresa met with the women of the community for an HIV education presentation. 

After the school day and presentations ended, we met with some of the men of the local soccer league.  Last week Garret met with the team to teach them some drills.  We donated jerseys provided by Florida Southern as well as Friends-Together shirts.

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