Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ngorongoro Wild Camp (July 17-19)

Ngorongoro Wild Camp 

We got to the wild camp in the afternoon.  After eating our boxed lunches in the reception area we went to our tents.  Owen and I had our own tent (#15) near the edge of the property. 

Our tent had a screened in porch/sitting area overlooking the woods.
Owen chilling on the screened porch

Then you unzip the entrance to the tent. We had 3 double beds and a large bathroom.  We unzipped some side flaps to let light in as electricity is only on at night.

Below is Cathy's video which really shows the tent.  Ours was similiar to hers, but with 3 double beds instead of one king.

At 530 Liz, Doug, Theresa, Ashley, owen and I went on a walk with a Maasai and John a camp guide. We walked at a quick pace - I have noticed that there is no pole pole with the Maasai!

We hiked for about a mile and a half up and down hills. The Maasai stopped and pointed out zebra in the distance. He then left us with John while we went around to coax the zebra in a direction that would give us a better view.  

On the way back John  had a call on the walkie that there was a giraffe in the camp! Off we went.  We entered the camp and he led us down towards our tent and up on our deck! Straight ahead was a huge giraffe eating from a tree! It was so exciting to see this wild animal up close from our tent!!

Cathy came down the path and I signaled to her shhhhh then put my hand up high and mouthed GIRAFFE! We then followed it to another tent before it disappeared into the trees. 

After dinner everyone went to shower and bed since we were meeting for breakfast at 5:55 so we could get an early start for the crater.  We were also excited for the showers here because the showers at Highview were awful. 

At about 930 came out of the bathroom and said there was something under the tent. He headed to the door and I followed. We had to unzip the tent then unzip the screened porch to get to the outside deck.  We shined the flashlight and there were 4 zebras! We watched them for a while then went back inside because it was cold. 

Back in bed we could hear them making their zebra noise and walking around. The noise increased and owen said he would check it out and let me know if it was worth seeing.  Zip. Zip. Mom. There's tons of them!  So off I went and WOW. There were zebras all over in front of us and on the sides! Good thing they don't do stairs!! 

We went back to bed. Every time we heard the zebra noise we would giggle.  Owen commented that if they kept zebra-ing it up he would need to use his earbuds to fall asleep.  We went out one last time and now many were closer to the tent. It was so cool. Too bad I don't have a night vision camera!

I woke up on and off throughout the night and listened to the sounds before drifting off again.  

Got up super early to be at breakfast by 5:50 and leave for the CRATER at 6:30!!

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