Wednesday, July 19, 2017

TAFCOM Festival (July 8)

TAFCOM Festival

On Saturday a big event was planned at TAFCOM for Cathy and Kelly to present information on HIV and addiction to the families (mostly women) that TAFCOM supports. Mama Zara arranged for the national newspaper to cover the event! 

It was pretty exciting when when we got there to set up. A huge tent with chairs was in the middle of the field and music filled the air. 

The girls from the tailoring program were busy preparing food for lunch. Everything is done by hand and cooked over an open fire.  

Even the rice needs to be cleaned by hand before it is cooked. We helped the girls out. They loved talking with us and taking pictures! 

Women came in with children and filled up the seats. A few men were present too. We had thought we would be doing separate activities with the kids, but Cathy didn't realize the program would take place outside. 

After Jonas' opening remarks, Cathy began her presentation with the help of a translator. She first told her story and explained that she has been living with HIV for 35 years this week.  The women erupted in applause. She then held an interactive discussion on the causes of HIV, how to educate children and teens on staying healthy, how to stay healthy as possible with HIV and how to avoid passing the disease along to your baby. 

A question and answer period followed. The audience was completely engaged and some misconceptions were cleared up.

At this point, some of the children were getting restless. Nancy, Ashley and I brought them into the classroom but told them they had to be quiet because voices would echo and disturb the presentations outside. 

I pulled out Chutes and Ladders and Ashley got some paper from the office for coloring. 

Playing Chutes and Ladders with slightly older kids and someone to translate was MUCH more successful. These kids didn't know any English so I taught them counting in English and they taught me counting in Swahili. 

We also played quietly with some balls. It reminded me of "silent ball" that is sometimes played in a 6th grade classroom at home!

We ended with a silly story about monkeys that eat too much spaghetti before lunch. 

Lunch was served buffet style. We helped to get the kids plates and they ate in the classroom. 

When I came outside I saw a woman in line struggling with a sleeping baby and her plate. I went and offered (via ineffective pantomime) to hold her baby while she ate. She didn't understand so I had Nancy translate. The women seemed surprised but happily handed over her baby.  He was so sweet! Even after he woke up he just looked around quietly allowing his mama to enjoy a meal (that she didn't have to prepare) in peace! 

At the end, Cathy and Tashoy presented the reusable sanitary pads. The women were thrilled. In 3rd world countries, disposable pads are not remotely affordable and many women miss school or work when they are on your cycle. The reusable pads have been so well received and making more will provide work for girls that have graduated from the tailoring program. 

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